Narrow Angle: Star Calibrations, Limb Looks, etc.

Click on one of the following image IDs or descriptions to see an image.

Image ID
M19-01286MOC Focus Calibration image of stars Alcyone and Maia and Taygeta
M19-01576MOC Focus Calibration image of stars Alcyone and Maia and Taygeta
M19-01696MOC Focus Calibration image of stars Alcyone and Maia and Taygeta
M19-01824MOC Focus Calibration image of stars Alcyone and Maia and Taygeta
M19-01955MOC Focus Calibration image of stars Alcyone and Maia and Taygeta
M20-00180MOC Focus Calibration image of stars Alcyone and Maia and Taygeta